Section One BY-LAWS
Revised May 2001
The name of the organization is the Experimental Aircraft Association Big Country Chapter No. 471, Inc.
This Chapter is formed as a non-profit organization with its membership organized under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act having as its stated purposes:
A. To promote and encourage the sport and hobby of recreational aviation.
B. To cooperate with and assist governmental agencies with the development of programs relating to aviation activities.
C. To promote and encourage aviation safety in the design, construction, and operation of all types of aircraft.
D. To encourage and engage in research for the improvement and better understanding of aviation and the science of aeronautics.
E. To foster, promote and engage in aviation education.
F. To promote and encourage grass roots efforts relating to aviation research and development.
G. To foster closer fellowship among its members through the exchange of ideas of mutual interest.
H. To operate as a local Chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association.
The office for the transaction of business by this Chapter shall be located within the Abilene, Texas area.
SECTION I: Eligibility for Membership
A. Any person who is of good moral character and who is, at the time of application and at all times thereafter, a member in good standing of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc., of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is eligible for membership in the Chapter.
B. Any eligible person desiring to become a member of this Chapter shall make application for such membership in such form as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
An Honorary Member shall be any person so elected by the Board of Directors.
C. Honorary and Social members shall not be required to be a member of national EAA.
SECTION II: Member in Good Standing
A. A member in good standing shall be defined as a Chapter member who has met the eligibility requirements for membership and (1) has paid up to date all fees, dues, and assessments, and (2) regularly attends Chapter meetings, participates in Chapter activities, and contributes substantial effort to the betterment of the Chapter.
SECTION III: Classification of Membership
A. Corporate Member - Any adult person 18 years of age or older.
B. Associate Member - Any adult person who is the spouse (wife or husband) of any corporate member in good standing.
C. Junior Member - Any person that has not reached their 18th birthday.
D. Honorary Member - Anyone so selected by the Board of Directors.
E. Voting Member - Any dues paying member of the Chapter in good standing.
F. Social Member - Any family member, spouse, or friend, who will not participate as a pilot in a Chapter event.
SECTION IV: Duration of Membership
A. Duration of memberships shall be for one calendar year (January through December), or portion of the calendar year remaining after the Member has been accepted into the Chapter.
B. An Honorary Membership may be renewed annually at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
SECTION V: Expulsion of Members
A. A Chapter Member deemed undesirable by acts or deeds that may jeopardize this Chapter may be expelled from this Chapter. Such action may be taken at any published meeting and requires a 51% vote of the members present. Expulsion may be initiated by any member in good standing in accordance with Article X.
SECTION VI: Reinstatement of Members
A. A member determined to be on leave of absence may be reinstated by meeting the requirements of Article IV, Sections I and II.
SECTION VII: Member Voting Privileges
A. Corporate and Associate members in good standing shall be entitled to vote either in person or by signed written proxy.
B. Honorary and Junior members shall not be entitled to vote, nor shall they hold office in the Chapter.
C. Voting shall be on the "one person, one vote" basis.
A. Annual Chapter membership dues for each class of membership will be determined by the Board of Directors and will be intended to meet the annual financial obligations of the Chapter.
B. Associate membership dues will be equal to one-half (½) the corporate membership rate.
C. Junior memberships will not be assessed dues.
D. Dues may be pro-rated for new members or members returning from a leave of absence in accordance with the following schedule:
1. January 1 - March 31 Full annual amount
2. April 1 - June 30 ¾ annual amount
3. July 1 - September 30 ½ annual amount
4. October 1 - December 31 ¼ annual amount
E. Dues are payable to the Chapter Treasurer on or before the first regular meeting in January of each year.
A. User fees for the use of Chapter owned or operated facilities and the payment of such fees will be determined by the Board of Directors.
B. User fees may be pro-rated for new members and members returning from leave of absence on the same basis as the annual dues schedule in Section I, paragraph D of this Article.
C. Honorary, Junior, and Social Members shall not be subject to user fees.
SECTION III: Assessments
A. Assessments for special projects or other undertakings may be assessed by the Board of Directors subject to approval by the membership.
B. The Board of Directors may apply assessments retroactively or pro-rate assessments on a case by case basis to new members joining during the year and to members returning from a leave of absence.
C. Associate members shall pay one-half (½ ) of the assessment.
D. Honorary, Junior, and Social Members shall not be subject to assessments.
A. The Executive Officers of this Chapter shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The offices of the Secretary and Treasurer may be combined as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
B. The Executive Officers shall be elected at the annual business meeting of the Chapter and serve a term of two (2) calendar years.
C. An Executive Officer, who for any reason, is unable to complete his/her term of office shall so inform the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint a qualified candidate to fill the unexpired term of the vacated office.
D. Any Executive Officer may be removed from office by a recall vote of the Chapter membership. Such recall vote shall be initiated by the submission of a Petition of Recall signed by one-third (1/3) of the Chapter members in good standing. The Petition of Recall shall then be brought before the general membership for disposition by vote. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all members present and in good standing shall be required to effect removal from office.
A. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President shall preside at the regular Chapter meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall be empowered to appoint committees and may call special meetings of the Chapter and Board of Directors. The President shall execute, with the Secretary, all contracts and other documents pertinent to the conduct of Chapter business as approved by the Board of Directors.
B. The Vice-President shall serve as President in the Presidents absence or inability to serve. The Vice-President shall undertake such duties as the President shall direct.
C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Chapter and Board of Director meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a current membership roster and forward all Chapter correspondence and other pertinent records to EAA national offices as required and directed by EAA and the Board of Directors.
D. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain all financial records of the Chapter, receive and deposit all funds collected by the Chapter in an insured financial institution selected by the Board of Directors and shall make disbursements from the Chapter depository account as directed by the Board of Directors. No bond shall be required of the Treasurer.
E. Any Chapter member in good standing may hold an Executive office.
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of five (5) Chapter members and not more than nine (9) Chapter members. The total number of Board Members in any event must be an odd number.
B. The Board of Directors shall be composed of three (3) classes, namely:
(i) Class I Directors, who shall be those persons who are the Executive Officers and the immediate past president of the Chapter from time to time,
(ii) Class II Directors, who shall be elected by the Chapter members as hereinafter described and,
(iii) Class III Directors, who shall be elected by the Chapter members as hereinafter described.
C. Only persons who are EAA and Chapter voting members in good standing shall be eligible to be Directors of the Chapter. A failure to maintain such standing shall be considered to constitute a resignation from the Board of Directors.
D. No compensation shall be paid to Directors for serving on the Board of Directors.
A. The Class II Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual business meeting held in each even year and the Class III Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual business meeting held in each odd year. In the event that these Bylaws are adopted at a time when there are already Directors serving in office, the Classification of the existing Directors as Class II or Class III Directors shall be determined by the President. The term of office for each Class II and Class III Director shall expire (in October) at the next annual business meeting in the odd or even year in which such Class is regularly to be elected.
A. The duty of the Board of Directors is to manage the affairs of the Chapter in a businesslike manner; to establish dues, fees, and assessments as required to meet the financial obligations of the Chapter membership and further the stated Chapter objectives as outlines in ARTICLE II.
A. A Director, who for any reason, is unable to complete his/her term of office shall so inform the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint a qualified candidate to fill the unexpired term of the vacated office.
A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least quarterly at a time and place to be selected and approved by the Board of Directors.
B. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President at his/her discretion or by direction of no less than three Directors. Such notice shall be phoned or mailed to each Director prior to the time and date of the meeting.
A. A general membership meeting shall be held monthly.
B. The time and place of the general membership meetings shall be at a time and place selected by the Board of Directors.
A. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President or a member of the Board of Directors at any time provided that:
1. Two weeks written notice be given to the general membership prior to such meeting.
2. The date, time, place and general subject matter of the meeting is clearly stated in the notice.
A. The Chapter shall have one (1) business meeting annually to be held in October of each calendar year.
B. The Chapter shall conduct nominations, hangar assignments and other pertinent business normally conducted on an annual basis at this meeting.
C. Notice of the Annual Business meeting shall be given in accordance with Section II of the Article.
A. Unless otherwise stated, a majority vote of members present is needed to enact and conduct business.
A. The President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of the three (3) past presidents or up to three (3) members to nominate Chapter Officers and Directors. The nominating committee shall present its list of nominees to the membership at the annual business meeting in October. Nominations, properly made and seconded, will be accepted from the floor at this time until nominations are closed.
B. Election of Officers and Board members will be held at the November meeting.
C. Prior to the election and issuance of ballots/proxies, the Secretary shall certify that all nominees are eligible to hold office.
D. Proxies shall be sent to the members of record at their last known address along with the notice of the election meeting two weeks prior to the November meeting.
E. Executed proxies must be in the possession of the Secretary prior to the start of electoral voting.
F. The President, at his/her discretion, may appoint an Election Judge to tabulate the ballots. If an Election Judge is not appointed, the Secretary shall tabulate the election results.
G. Should election results be protested, the Board of Directors shall review the results and make a final determination. The findings of the Board of Directors shall be final. Protests must be made in accordance with Article X of the Chapter By-laws.
A. Any member who has a grievance against the Executive Officers, Directors, or other member may request administrative action provided the following procedures are followed:
1. A written statement outlining the nature of the grievance is submitted to the Board of Directors.
2. This statement will contain the point being contested, the person committing the infraction, the proposed remedy and be signed by the complaining party.
3. The Board will review the grievance and decide the appropriate course of action. The Boards findings shall be final.
4. Should a vote of the membership be required to enact expulsion or other disciplinary measures, such vote shall be by secret ballot.
A. These By-laws may be repealed or amended, or new By-laws adopted, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at any special meeting called for these purposes or at the annual business meeting.
B. Supplemental rules covering the use of Chapter owned or operated facilities may be added to these By-laws as appendices.
C. Any article, section, paragraph or appendix may be amended, added to or deleted without requiring change to the other parts of the By-laws.
A. Upon dissolution of the Corporation, the assets of the Corporation must be transferred to a qualified IRS 501(c)(3) corporation and no member, Officer, or Director may benefit from or receive any of the Chapter assets. Selection of a qualified recipient shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
History of Revisions:
May 2001
June, 2000
The following rules are for the use of hangars operated by EAA Chapter 471.
These rules are designed to enhance the use and enjoyment of these facilities by the Chapter according to the following Hangar Mission Statement:
EAA 471 Hangars are intended to promote aviation by providing hangar space for the building, restoration, and flying of active projects.
The chapter does not intend the hangars to be used for the storage of non-active projects or non-flying airplanes.
Abandoned Project: An aircraft project which shows no progress toward completion and certification of airworthy standards. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, such a project may be declared abandoned or derelict.
Active Chapter Member: A Chapter member who regularly attends meetings or other Chapter activities, participates in Chapter activities and contributes substantial effort to the betterment of the Chapter.
Derelict Aircraft: An aircraft which has not had an annual inspection or otherwise is not airworthy for one year and on which no effort or visible progress is being made toward an airworthy status.
Inactive Chapter Member: A Chapter member who does not attend Chapter meetings, does not participate in Chapter activities and contributes little or nothing to the betterment of the Chapter.
A. Hangars shall be used for the storage of airworthy aircraft, aircraft under construction or aircraft undergoing repair or restoration. Storage of items related to this activity is permitted.
B. Storage of derelict aircraft or abandoned projects is not permitted.
C. The storage of non-aircraft items is discouraged but permitted as long as the primary use of the hangar is as stated above in item A. However, if storage of non-aircraft items is such that a hazard is created, then upon request, these items shall be removed from the premises within 30 days or the member is subject to forfeiture of the hangar.
D. Hangars may not be used for commercial purposes.
E. All hangar tenants shall have a metal trash container and serviceable fire extinguisher in their hangar.
F. Hangars and ramp areas shall be kept clean and free of debris.
G. No structural modifications to the hangars are permitted.
Hangar tenants shall be responsible for damages to the hangars as a result of carelessness, neglect or negligence. Hangar tenants shall maintain hangar doors and shall leave the hangar clean and free of debris when vacating a hangar.
Hangars may be inspected at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
A. Hangars are for the use of active Chapter members.
B. Each Chapter member is entitled to one hangar. Chapter members that may have more than one aircraft or aircraft project may have an additional hangar only if surplus hangar space is available. Assignment of a second hangar is subject to monthly review.
C. If an eligible Chapter member without a hangar acquires an aircraft or aircraft project, the Chapter members who have second hangars shall be required to vacate their second hangar until the demand is satisfied. This shall be done on a Last In, First Out basis and occupants of second hangars shall have 30 days to vacate the hangar after being notified.
D. Partnership aircraft require that all partners be active eligible Chapter members in good standing. The Treasurer or Board of Directors may ask that a bonafide evidence of partnership such as the FAA Certificate of Registration, legal partnership agreement, etc. be presented before a hangar is assigned.
E. A waiting list for hangar space will be maintained by the Chapter Treasurer. Chapter members desiring to lease a hangar shall notify the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall place the members name on the waiting list in the order in which requests are received.
F. Hangar assignments/leases shall be renewed annually at the annual business meeting of the Chapter. The annual business meeting is held in October of each year. Vacant hangars shall be offered to eligible Chapter members on the waiting list after the assignments are completed. A Chapter member without an aircraft or aircraft project shall not lose his/her place on the waiting list even though he/she is not eligible for a hangar at that time.
G. Hangar rent is due and payable in full on or before January 1. Hangars that have not been paid for by that time will be assigned to the next eligible Chapter member on the waiting list unless prior payment arrangements have been made and approved by the Board of Directors.
H. A Chapter member who no longer has an aircraft or aircraft project, and has no intention of acquiring another aircraft or aircraft project, shall surrender the hangar back to the Chapter. The unused rent shall be refunded to the lease owner.
I. If a hangar vacancy occurs during the year, the Chapter Treasurer shall offer the vacated hangar to the next eligible Chapter member on the waiting list.
J. Annual hangar lease rates shall be established by the Board of Directors.
A. Hangars may not be subleased for profit.
B. If a member sells or disposes of an aircraft or aircraft project, the member shall have 60 days in which to find a replacement aircraft or aircraft project. If a replacement is not found within that time, the member shall make the hangar available for sublease to the next eligible member on the hangar waiting list by notifying the Chapter Treasurer. If there are mitigating circumstances which prevent the member from acquiring an aircraft or project, the member may appeal to the Chapter Board of Directors for an extension.
C. A sublease agreement may not violate the published hangar rules in force at the time or subsequently.
D. Members subleasing a hangar shall not lose their place on the hangar waiting list.
E. The lessor shall have the right to reoccupy the hangar if he/she obtains an aircraft or aircraft project.
F. If at the annual meeting date, six months has passed since sublease has been negotiated, the Chapter member has not acquired a replacement aircraft or aircraft project, the Chapter member shall forfeit the hangar. The Chapter member who is subletting the hangar shall have first right of refusal to lease the hangar. If that Chapter member does not exercise this option, then the hangar shall be offered to the next eligible Chapter member on the hangar waiting list.
A. A Chapter member may be evicted from a hangar for the following reasons:
1. Conduct, actions, or deeds detrimental to the Chapter.
2. Violations of the hangar rules.
3. Lapse of membership status or extended absence.
4. Is not a member in good standing.
5. Failure to comply with requests to correct deficiencies within 60 days as outlined in the hangar rules.
6. Aircraft or aircraft project declared derelict or abandoned. See definitions under Article I.
B. The Chapter may use whatever legal means for eviction that are available.
C. Member complaints shall be made to any Chapter officer. The complaint shall then be brought before the Board of Directors for resolution. Complaints shall be similarly handled as outlined in Article X of the Chapter By-laws.
A. If, as a result of a member complaint, the Board of Directors determines corrective action is necessary, the President shall inform the offending Chapter member in writing of the complaint and necessary action to correct the situation.
B. If the offending member fails to respond to the written notice to correct the situation within 60 days, the Board of Directors may cause the Chapter member to forfeit hangar leasing privileges.
C. Forfeiture or eviction from the hangars will be decided by vote of the Board of Directors. Eviction or forced forfeiture requires a majority of the entire Board of Directors.
A. Neither EAA Chapter 471, EAA National Organization, nor the City of Abilene is responsible for damage incurred to aircraft, tools, equipment or other items stored in the hangars. The purchase of a comprehensive insurance policy to cover such risks is at the option of the hangar tenant, but is strongly encouraged by this Chapter.
The following rules are for the tenants of hangar 3(referred to here-in as “the hangar”) operated by EAA Chapter 471.
These rules are designed to enhance the use and enjoyment of these facilities by the Chapter according to the following Hangar Mission Statement:
EAA 471 Hangar 3 is intended to promote aviation by providing hangar space for the building, restoration, and flying of active projects. It is also intended for the enjoyment of all active chapter members during scheduled chapter events, meetings and breakfasts, and will serve as a base for chapter activities.
Hangar 3 will not be used for the storage of derelict aircraft or non-aviation related items.
ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS Abandoned Project: An aircraft project which shows no progress toward completion and certification of airworthy standards. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, such a project may be declared abandoned or derelict.
Active Chapter Member: A Chapter member who regularly attends meetings or other Chapter activities, participates in Chapter activities and contributes substantial effort to the betterment of the Chapter.
Derelict Aircraft: An aircraft, which has not had an annual inspection or otherwise is not airworthy for a period of one year and on which no effort or visible progress is being made toward an airworthy status.
Inactive Chapter Member: A Chapter member who does not attend Chapter meetings, does not participate in Chapter activities and contributes little or nothing to the betterment of the Chapter.
A. Hangar shall be used for the storage of airworthy aircraft, aircraft under construction or aircraft undergoing repair or restoration. Storage of items related to this activity is permitted.
B. Storage of derelict aircraft or abandoned projects is not permitted.
C. The storage of non-aircraft items is not permitted.
D. Hangar may not be used for commercial purposes.
E. All hangar tenants shall have a metal trash container and serviceable fire extinguisher near their aircraft.
F. Hangar and ramp areas shall be kept clean and free of debris.
G. No structural modifications to the hangar are permitted.
H. Tenants shall keep their area of the Hangar clean and neat. (i.e., if you make a mess clean it up)
I. All dangerous fluids, such as used oil, used hydraulic fluid, gasoline not in aircraft tanks, Etc., will be deposed of properly and promptly by the tenant-no storage of these items will be allowed. Solvents, degreasers, cleaning fluids, etc., must be kept in closed containers, and only in small quantities, and must be stored in a lockable metal cabinet. Tenants will also be responsible for their own trash removal.
J. Access: Access to the hangar is subject to the following:
Only current Abilene Airport Badgeholders, that are members in good standing of Chapter 471 will be allowed access.
2. Aircraft and property of hangar tenants must be respected. No touching, boarding of aircraft and no “borrowing” of tools and other equipment.
3. Behavior and conduct of visitors and children will be the responsibility of the member.
4. Leave restrooms clean.
5. Make certain the door is locked (including sliding doors) upon exit.
6. If any member violates above conditions, that member’s hangar access will be revoked.
K. Tenants will be responsible for personal possessions. The chapter will not be responsible missing or stolen possessions (i.e. tools). Tenants will provide a suitable locker or storage cabinet to store tools, equipment, and parts so they are not loose in the hangar.
L. Tenants will be responsible for moving their own aircraft in and out of the hangar. If it should be come necessary to move another tenant’s aircraft, extreme care must be taken. The tenant moving an aircraft shall be responsible for any and all damage to the aircraft being moved, and to any other stationary aircraft contacted as a result of such movement. It will be the hangar manager’s responsibility to insure that all tenants are trained on the proper techniques and procedures to move any aircraft in the hangar. Prior to being stored in the hangar, all tenant aircraft will be inspected to document and record any and all existing damage or dings.
M. All aircraft will be operated in such a manner that prop blast is directed away from the hangar doors.
N. Hangar doors will be closed when the hangar is unattended
O. Hand propping of aircraft will be allowed only if there is a qualified person at the controls of the aircraft. Aircraft must be chocked
P. Hangar tenants shall be responsible for damages to the hangar as a result of carelessness, neglect or negligence.
Q. The Hangar Manager will have authorization to enforce these rules. Hangar Manager will also be responsible for general cleaning, sweeping, and day-to-day care of the aircraft storage area. He/She will also be authorized to enlist help from chapter members for larger cleaning and maintenance projects.
R. During chapter events, it may become necessary for aircraft to be moved to facilitate set up for the event. In such case, the tenant shall be responsible to reposition the aircraft or the Hangar Manager will be authorized to move the aircraft and shall not bear responsibility for any damage resulting from said movement.
A. Hangar space is available for lease by active Chapter members.
B. Partnership aircraft require that all partners be active eligible Chapter members in good standing. The Treasurer or Board of Directors may ask that bona-fide evidence of partnership such as the FAA Certificate of Registration, legal partnership agreement, etc. be presented before a hangar is assigned.
C. A waiting list for hangar space will be maintained by the Chapter Treasurer. Chapter members desiring to lease space in the hangar shall notify the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall place the member’s name on the waiting list in the order in which requests are received.
D. Hangar space shall be renewed annually at the annual business meeting of the Chapter. The annual business meeting is held in October of each year. Vacant hangar space shall be offered to eligible Chapter members on the waiting list after the assignments are completed. A Chapter member without an aircraft or aircraft project shall not lose his/her place on the waiting list even though he/she is not eligible for a hangar at that time.
E. Hangar rent is due and payable in full on or before January 1. Hangars that have not been paid for by that time will be assigned to the next eligible Chapter member on the waiting list unless prior payment arrangements have been made and approved by the Board of Directors.
F. A Chapter member who no longer has an aircraft or aircraft project, and has no intention of acquiring another aircraft or aircraft project, shall surrender the hangar space back to the Chapter. The unused rent shall be refunded to the lease owner.
G. If a hangar vacancy occurs during the year, the Chapter Treasurer shall offer the vacated hangar space to the next eligible Chapter member on the waiting list.
H. Annual hangar lease rates shall be established by the Board of Directors.
A. Hangar space may not be subleased for profit.
B. If a member sells or disposes of an aircraft or aircraft project, the member shall have 60 days in which to find a replacement aircraft or aircraft project. If a replacement is not found within that time, the member shall make the hangar space available for sublease to the next eligible member on the hangar waiting list by notifying the Chapter Treasurer. If there are mitigating circumstances which prevent the member from acquiring an aircraft or project, the member may appeal to the Chapter Board of Directors for an extension.
C. A sublease agreement may not violate the published hangar rules in force at the time or subsequently.
D. Members subleasing hangar space shall not lose their place on the hangar waiting list.
E. The lessor shall have the right to reoccupy the hangar if he/she obtains an aircraft or aircraft project.
F. If at the annual meeting date, six months has passed since sublease has been negotiated, the Chapter member has not acquired a replacement aircraft or aircraft project, the Chapter member shall forfeit the hangar. The Chapter member who is subletting the hangar shall have first right of refusal to lease the hangar space. If that Chapter member does not exercise this option, then the hangar shall be offered to the next eligible Chapter member on the hangar waiting list.
A. A Chapter member may be evicted from the hangar for the following reasons:
1. Conduct, actions, or deeds detrimental to the Chapter.
2. Violations of the hangar rules.
3. Lapse of membership status or extended absence.
4. Is not a member in good standing.
5. Failure to comply with requests to correct deficiencies within 30 days as outlined in the hangar rules.
6. Aircraft or aircraft project declared derelict or abandoned. See definitions under Article I.
B. The Chapter may use whatever legal means for eviction that are available.
C. Member complaints shall be made in writing to any Chapter Officer. The complaint shall then be brought before the Board of Directors for resolution. Complaints shall be similarly handled as outlined in Article X of the Chapter By-laws.
A. If, as a result of a member complaint, the Board of Directors determines corrective action is necessary; the President shall inform the offending Chapter member in writing of the complaint and necessary action to correct the situation.
B. If the offending member fails to respond to the written notice to correct the situation within 30 days, the Board of Directors may cause the Chapter member to forfeit hangar leasing privileges.
C. Forfeiture or eviction from the hangars will be decided by vote of the Board of Directors. Eviction or forced forfeiture requires a majority of the entire Board of Directors.
A. Neither EAA Chapter 471, EAA National Organization, nor the City of Abilene is responsible for damage incurred to aircraft, tools, equipment or other items stored in the hangar 3. The purchase of a comprehensive insurance policy to cover such risk is required of each hangar tenant. Proof of insurance is required.
Adopted and approved 2/2/2006
Amendment 1 7/6/06